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Last Updated:
January 31st, 2025
Stress and Addiction
Stress is ‘our body’s response to pressure.’ The things that cause this pressure can vary widely. We can be stressed by significant life events or by unexpected triggers. We can also be stressed when we feel that we have lost some control in some ways and are starting to feel overwhelmed by a mix of contributing factors. Our stresses exist in a melting pot. Things can gradually contribute over time, causing us a period of chronic distress. Other things cause us to be very stressed in the short term but may be resolved quickly. Just like how the things that cause us stress can differ, the way that stress colours our lives can be dependent on several factors.
No matter how we respond to stress, prolonged periods of pressure can lead us to breaking point. This can lead to feeling hopeless and low and turning to things like drinking, drugs and other maladaptive coping mechanisms to feel better. But this adds an additional risk – the risk of developing a comorbid addiction.