We have explained that many different types of self-harm exist, but many experts classify addiction as self-harm. This means we have two questions to answer:
- Why do people abuse substances as a form of self-harm?
- Why do people with substance addictions self-harm in other ways?
Firstly, there is often more than one reason people self-harm using substances. They may have witnessed other people doing the same, making it normal to turn to self-harm; they can become dependent on the high they get from drugs or alcohol to self-medicate for anxiety.
Secondly, when people with addiction self-harm in other ways, it is often because they have hit rock bottom with their addiction. They are used to turning to painful coping mechanisms to deal with their struggles, so harming themselves to numb the pain addiction is a logical step.
Some people know they have damaged their bodies significantly by abusing drugs, so they no longer care about their health and self-harm to express self-hatred. Others experience such intense physical symptoms of addiction that the only way to escape this pain is to create pain in another part of their body.