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Last Updated:
January 31st, 2025
Ecstasy addiction
Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, mandy, molly, and pills, is one of the most used drugs in the UK. The synthetic drug is both a hallucinogen and a stimulant, causing enhanced mood, energy, emotional warmth and a distorted sense of time.
Despite this, ecstasy can also produce dangerous side effects that can lead to serious health issues including addiction. If you or your loved one are displaying signs of ecstasy addiction, it is time to reach out for help.
What is ecstasy?
Ecstasy comes in various forms but is usually taken as a white/grey powder or as pills with different colours and shapes. These pills often have designs stamped on them, such as popular brand logos and characters, to downplay ecstasy’s addictive nature.
Powdered MDMA is usually taken via the nasal passages or by rubbing it on the gums (gumming). Typically, it takes around 30 minutes to kick in and lasts two to four hours on average. After the initial dose starts to fade, people may take more doses to maintain their high. When this high wears off, users may experience a so-called “come down”, leaving them feeling extremely low for several days.
This can lead down a path of developing an addiction to the drug as users take more ecstasy to avoid this unpleasant experience.