Cocaine is an addictive-controlled substance that creates euphoric feelings. However, long-term use can cause serious health risks, legal and financial issues and, in many cases, addiction. Once you are addicted to cocaine, breaking free from its grip can be incredibly difficult, especially if you don’t have the right professional help.
This page will explain the effects of cocaine abuse, how to recognise a cocaine addiction, and introduce you to the effective help that is available.
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What is cocaine?
Cocaine comes from the leaves of the coca plant, a small bush-like tree from South America. Scientists first separated cocaine from the leaves in 1859 and used it in recreational and medical environments.
Today, cocaine typically appears as powder, freebase or rocks:
Powdered cocaine is snorted through the nose, rubbed into the gums or dissolved and injected. It is often cut with other chemicals so it can be impossible to really know what you are taking when you buy cocaine on the street.
Effects of cocaine
Cocaine increases dopamine levels in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and wellbeing. This leads to:
Increased sensitivity to sound
Increased sensitivity to touch
Loss of appetite
Mental alertness
Muscle twitches and tremors
Rapid or slowed task performance
Stomach pains
High blood pressure, causing an increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular problems
Panic attacks
Why Do Some People Develop a Cocaine Addiction?
Cocaine addiction has a number of causes and is different for everyone. However, the following factors can play a role in developing a dependency on the drug:
Genetic vulnerability
Out-of-balance brain chemicals like dopamine
Co-occurring mental health disorders like anxiety and depression
Being part of friendship groups where cocaine use is common
Easy access to cocaine in the local community
On a psychological level, cocaine abuse can quickly lead to dependence which means your mind adjusts to it and reacts negatively when it is no longer there. When you try to stop, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, fatigue, migraines, nausea, insomnia and muscular spasms.
How do I know if I am addicted to cocaine?
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you find yourself lying to loved ones about your cocaine use?
Do you have to take ever greater amounts of the drug to get high?
Do you experience anxiety and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop?
Are your most important personal relationships suffering because of your cocaine use?
If you answered yes to these questions then it is likely you are addicted to cocaine and you should seek help and support urgently.
Damage caused by cocaine addiction
Cocaine abuse and addiction can cause a number of serious health issues, including:
Nasal damage
If you snort cocaine, it can cause permanent infections in your nose. Bacteria, dust and dirt mix with the cocaine powder as you inhale it. These enter the blood vessels beneath the nasal membrane, restricting blood flow.
As a result, you may:
Cause eye, ear or brain infections
Damage your nasal cavity and passages
Damage your septum
Lose your sense of smell
Suffer nosebleeds
Increase the risk of contracting hepatitis C
Initial symptoms include a runny nose, sinus infections and allergic reactions.
Facial damage
Repeated damage, restricted blood flow and insufficient healing time may lead to the death of sensitive nasal tissues. Consequent infections can spread to the brain, eyes and ears, resulting in sight loss, deafness and spinal or brain damage.
Oral damage
Reduced blood flow can cause:
Bowel decay
Tooth decay,
Palatal perforation
Dry mouth
Bruxism (grinding of teeth and consequent erosion)
Coke jaw (sudden, uncontrolled jaw movements)
Periodontitis (severe gum infection)
Side effects of intravenous cocaine abuse
Needle injections can cause:
Higher risk of bloodborne infections (including HIV and hepatitis C)
Skin infections
Soft tissue infections
Collapsed veins
Can you overdose on cocaine?
The following signs and symptoms are indicative of a cocaine overdose:
Bluing of the skin
Chest pain symptomatic of heart attack (including shoulder and arm pain)
Breathing difficulties (rapid or slow respiration)
Fast heart rate (tachycardia)
Heightened body temperature and sweating
Losing bladder control
Nausea or vomiting
Anxiety, confusion, delirium, incoherence, panic, paranoia, and hallucinations may also occur.
A cocaine overdose is a life-threatening medical emergency, and you should call 999 immediately if you spot any of these signs.
How can I tell if a family member has a cocaine addiction?
If you’re concerned a family member has developed a cocaine addiction, look out for signs such as abandoning hobbies, agitation or excitability, or changes in sleeping patterns. Often people with a cocaine addiction will appear more energetic than usual. Other signs include:
Dilated pupils
Loss of appetite
Financial problems
Poor hygiene, grooming and self-care
Rapid mood swings
Risky or illegal behaviour
Runny nose
Weight loss
Remember that addiction to cocaine is a complicated issue, and these signs may not show. However, if a loved one confides in you that they are addicted to cocaine, encourage them to consult a doctor or contact us to find out about the available support.
The first steps for getting help at Oasis Bradford
At Oasis Bradford, we have the expertise and resources to help you get your life back on track. The vital first stage in treating cocaine addiction is cocaine detox. This can mitigate the most severe withdrawal symptoms and help you break any physical dependence.
Alongside this step is recovery through cocaine rehab, which involves a range of different therapies and other types of treatment and support to help you overcome cocaine addiction while keeping you safe and comfortable.
Get in touch with us today for a brighter future free from the grips of cocaine addiction.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when you mix cocaine and alcohol?
Mixing cocaine and alcohol creates a dangerous chemical called cocaethylene, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other serious health issues. This combination intensifies the stimulating effects of cocaine while masking some of alcohol’s sedative effects, leading users to consume more of both substances. This can result in higher levels of toxicity, impaired judgment, and increased risk of overdose. The combination also puts additional strain on the liver and cardiovascular system, making it particularly harmful to physical and mental health.
How to help someone with a cocaine addiction?
Who is most likely to develop a cocaine addiction?
Individuals with a history of substance abuse, mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety), or trauma are more vulnerable to developing a cocaine addiction. Those who have a family history of addiction may be at increased genetic risk. Younger individuals, particularly those in high-stress environments or with peer pressure, are also at higher risk. People who use cocaine as a way to cope with stress, social issues, or emotional pain may develop a dependency over time, especially if they start using it regularly.