Internet addiction

In a world where the borders of reality blur and the digital realm engulf our lives, there lies a captivating abyss known as the internet. With its vast expanse of information, social connections, and limitless possibilities, it seduces minds and captures souls. It whispers promises of knowledge, entertainment, and instant gratification, drawing us into its intricate web. But little do we realise that amidst the enchantment, a hidden force lurks, waiting to bind us tightly in its grasp – addiction.


Internet addiction - tied to laptop

What is internet addiction?

At its core, internet addiction is a behavioural addiction characterised by excessive and compulsive reliance on digital platforms and activities. It captivates individuals with its seductive offerings, drawing them into a web of endless scrolling, gaming, socialising, or seeking instant gratification. However, the impact of internet addiction does not confine itself to the boundaries of a single addiction. It intertwines with other addictions, exacerbating their effects and presenting new challenges.

Some examples of the various addictions the internet can exacerbate:

It is crucial to acknowledge that different types of internet addiction can coexist or intertwine, leading individuals to simultaneously experience symptoms of multiple addictions. In such cases, seeking professional help and support becomes paramount in overcoming internet addiction.

What causes internet addiction?

Internet addiction can arise from a combination of various factors, including psychological, social, and environmental influences. While the precise causes may vary from person to person, here are some commonly recognised factors that contribute to the development of internet addiction:

Psychological Factors:

  • Escapism: Using the internet as a means to escape from real-life problems, stress, or negative emotions.
  • Loneliness and social anxiety: Seeking solace and connection in the virtual world due to difficulties in forming or maintaining relationships offline.
  • Low self-esteem: Using internet activities, such as social media or online gaming, as a way to boost self-worth or gain validation.
  • Impulsivity: Displaying impulsive tendencies, difficulty in self-regulation, and a lack of control over online behaviours.
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders: Individuals with underlying mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may be more susceptible to internet addiction.


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Social Factors:

  • Peer pressure: Being surrounded by friends or peers who excessively engage in online activities can normalise and encourage similar behaviours.
  • Social norms: Living in a society or culture that places a high value on internet use and online interactions can increase the likelihood of developing internet addiction.
  • Lack of social support: Insufficient social connections or support systems offline can drive individuals to seek companionship and validation in online communities.
  • Family environment: Dysfunctional family dynamics, neglect, or lack of parental involvement can contribute to internet addiction as a coping mechanism or means of escape.
  • Accessibility and availability: The 24/7 accessibility of the internet, coupled with the abundance of engaging and interactive content, can make it challenging to resist prolonged usage.
  • Anonymity and disinhibition: The online environment allows individuals to engage in behaviours without the same level of accountability or consequences as in face-to-face interactions, leading to increased risk-taking and addictive tendencies.

Understanding these underlying causes can aid in developing effective prevention strategies, early interventions, and tailored treatment approaches for individuals struggling with internet addiction.

Signs of internet addiction

The signs of internet addiction extend beyond mere time spent online. They reveal themselves in the neglected responsibilities, deteriorating relationships, and diminishing well-being that result from an unbalanced reliance on the virtual realm.

By familiarising ourselves with the signs of internet addiction, we arm ourselves with the knowledge needed to recognise and address this growing concern.

Signs of internet addiction may include:

  • Preoccupation with the internet
  • Excessive time spent online
  • Failed attempts to cut back or control internet use
  • Neglecting real-life relationships and responsibilities
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities.
  • Excessive focus on online relationships
  • Mood swings and emotional distress
  • Physical health issues
  • Dishonesty and concealment
  • Neglected self-care

It’s important to note that experiencing one or two of these signs does not necessarily indicate internet addiction. However, if several of these signs are present, and they significantly impact daily life and well-being, it may be necessary to seek professional help from Oasis Bradford and support to address the issue.

Treatment for internet addiction

The negative impact of internet addiction is not irreversible. With the right support and guidance, it is possible to regain control and lead a healthier, more balanced life. At Oasis Bradford, we offer a comprehensive rehab programme specifically designed to address the psychological and emotional aspects of your online compulsions. Our experienced therapists are committed to helping you understand the underlying causes of your internet addiction and equipping you with valuable coping mechanisms to prevent relapse.

Our range of therapies at Oasis Bradford is tailored to meet your individual needs and provide effective treatment for internet addiction.

Some therapies include:

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): Dialectical behaviour therapy, a form of therapy designed to help individuals regulate emotions and develop effective coping strategies, is used to address internet addiction.
  • Group therapy: Engaging in group therapy sessions allows individuals to connect with others facing similar challenges, share experiences, and gain support in overcoming internet addiction.
  • Mindfulness and meditation-based therapy: Incorporating mindfulness and meditation techniques into therapy helps individuals cultivate present-moment awareness, manage cravings, and develop healthier relationships with technology.
  • Family therapy: Family therapy plays a crucial role in addressing internet addiction, as it involves the participation of family members to improve communication, set boundaries, and enhance support systems.
  • Aftercare: Aftercare ensures ongoing support and guidance following the completion of an internet rehab programme, helping individuals maintain their progress, prevent relapse, and navigate the challenges of daily life in a digitally connected world.


Internet addiction - group therapy


However, it’s important to acknowledge that preventing relapse into internet addiction can be particularly challenging, especially as there is no physical detox to aid the process. In today’s modern world, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid the internet. Therefore, it requires ongoing effort and dedication to maintain a healthy relationship with technology, which our team at Oasis Bradford is determined to guide you through.

How to get started with internet addiction rehab

If you’re ready to embark on your journey towards freedom from internet addiction, contact our admissions team at Oasis Bradford. We are here to provide the support, guidance, and resources you need to take that important first step. A life free from the grips of internet addiction awaits – let us help you make it a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is internet addiction treatment effective?
Yes, internet addiction treatment can be effective when tailored to individual needs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help individuals identify triggers, develop healthier habits, and regain control over their online usage. Support groups and family counselling can also play a crucial role. For severe cases, structured programs, such as digital detox retreats or inpatient treatment, may be necessary. Success depends on commitment, addressing underlying issues like anxiety or depression, and creating a balanced lifestyle.
How many hours online is considered an internet addiction?
Internet addiction is not defined by specific hours but rather by how online usage impacts daily life. Spending excessive time online—especially 6+ hours daily outside of work or school—combined with neglect of responsibilities, relationships, or physical health can indicate addiction. It’s the compulsive, uncontrollable nature of the behaviour and its consequences that define addiction, not just the time spent.
Who is most likely to develop an internet addiction?
Individuals most at risk for internet addiction include teenagers and young adults, as they are heavy internet users and often face social, academic, or emotional pressures. People with underlying mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or ADHD are also more vulnerable. Those who rely on the internet for social interaction, gaming, or escapism are at higher risk, particularly if they struggle with offline relationships or coping mechanisms.